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Will jailbreaking cause damage to an iPhone, iPad or iPad: Questions & Answers

Jailbreaking an iOS device provides perks that users are definitely interested in to fully customize an Apple gadget. Even if it’s only because you want to download ringtones or install customized themes, jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch does make the overall user experience feel more personal. In the end, everybody turns their smartphone, tablet and mp3 player in an extension of their personality, so why should Apple limit that?

The first issues that come to the mind of people interested in jailbreaking for the first time their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch are linked to software safety and potential damages to hardware. Will jailbreaking cause damage to an iPhone, iPad or iPad is one of the first questions that users ask and it is also the main reason many don’t go all the way through with the jailbreak research process.

Jailbreaking is a process that does not damage your iDevice. The process only impacts the software and restoring to a safe, original, previous version of the iOS firmware is easy and fast to perform. It doesn’t even take intricate programming knowledge. All you have to do is connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to iTunes and perform a restore procedure. That’s where SHSH blobs come into work, so make sure you save those before anything else.

There’s one red flag though: if you use the faulty version of the unlock or jailbreak software and update an iPhone using an iPad baseband that can cause damage. Compatibility is always something to check out before launching a jailbreak procedure.

Each jailbreak tool employs a certain vulnerability in Apple’s iOS system. Before A5 devices such as iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S, hackers would exploit a bug that became known as Limera1n. It was a low-level boot ROM exploit which was able to perform untethered jailbreaks on devices earlier than iPhone 4 and including.

For iOS 6, the evasi0n jailbreak tool employs a much more complicated process, although for the user the invested effort is as close to minimum as it gets. Just like previous jailbreak tools, evasi0n works by itself after the user has downloaded, extracted and launched the app.


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