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  • What Are iPhone SHSH Blobs?

    The common advice before jailbreaking any device is to perform a backup of your data, but when upgrading to iOS 5 there’s a particular request to save your iPhone SHSH Blobs.....

  • What is Jailbreaking

    Being an iPhone user, you must have heard many times about jailbreaking software. If you haven’t considered jailbreaking your iPhone 5,4S, 4, 3GS and so on, by now, it’s time to start asking questions and getting the answers....

  • About

    Many iPhone users have no idea what kind of entertainment potential their sleek smartphone holds, but that’s where jailbreaking steps in. ...

Anaconda Project News

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Il Bisogno che Ho di Te
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Capitalismi a confronto. Istituzioni e regolazione dell'economia nei paesi europei
Tutto storia dell'arte
Animali. Trascina e scopri. Primi libri tattili. Ediz. illustrata
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Una notte bizzarra
Scritti corsari
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Migliora la tua efficacia personale
Il tedesco in 30 giorni. Per lavorare, studiare, viaggiare, conoscere. Con CD Audio formato MP3
Sconosciuti in treno (I grandi tascabili)
Dieci segreti per il successo e l'armonia
La Divina Commedia. Con quaderno. Con espansione online: 1
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Il libro del vero massone (Gherardo Casini Editore)
Dio, Jesù, gli apostoli e i suoi successori
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Compendio di storia del diritto romano. Nozioni di diritto pubblico romano
Summer Beaches - T & C-Kalender 2015
Interventi. Kenya: 4
Le omelie di Pentling
Atlante geografico, storico, di astronomia
Il discorso del demone sulle arti marziali e altri racconti
Lei non sa chi eravamo noi
The alternate picking improver. Con DVD video
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101 segreti che hanno fatto grande l'impero romano
La voce del silenzio (gli Iniziati)
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Le tortuose vie del dovere (Robotica)
Verona nella strategia della tensione
Introduzione al diritto comparato
The 100. Rebellion
Time Vampires
Il re della sfoglia. Ottanta gustose ricette, tradizionali e innovative, a base di pasta fresca. Ediz. a colori
Amo mangiare frutta e verdure (Italian Bedtime Collection)
Dal carbonio agli OGM. Chimica organica-biochimica e biotecnologie. Ediz. plus. Per le Scuole superiori. Con e-book. Con espansione online
Misure cautelari ad personam in un triennio di riforme
SLA. Il male oscuro del pallone
Benedizione. Trilogia della pianura: 1
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I temi svolti di maturità
L'arte del fumetto. Regole, tecniche e segreti dei grandi disegnatori
Certezza e incertezza nel diritto privato contemporaneo
London City notebook
Agenda Planning settimanale rossa 2018 15,6x9 cm
La tassazione degli strumenti finanziari. Con aggiornamento online
Office 2016 For Dummies. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access
Colorare l'anatomia
Ikigai. Il metodo giapponese. Trovare il senso della vita per essere felici
Credere nello Stato? Teologia politica e dissimulazione da Filippo Il Bello a Wikileaks
Calendario storico dell'Arma dei Carabinieri Anno 2013
L'uomo di Neanderthal. Alla ricerca dei genomi perduti
Il patto: La trattativa tra Stato e mafia nel racconto inedito di un infiltrato (Chiarelettere Tascabili)
Guida d'uso, shell e programmazione C di Raspberry Pi
Centoquarantasei allievi alla Scuola superiore della pubblica amministrazione (SSPA)
Forest Nature 2018 (Wonderful World)
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1: Art Nouveau: Gift Wrapping Paper Book
Vai a quel paese: Storia e origine dei gestacci
Come convincere qualcuno usando volutamente la negazione “non”: Un ebook della Collana (Gli Economici di Giancarlo Fornei Vol. 7)
Mobilizzazione del sistema nervoso
Per te vorrei.... Ediz. a colori: 1
Ma chi te lo fa fare? La forza di volontà
Il Corano. Ediz. integrale
Intermediario assicurativo e riassicurativo. Manuale completo per la prova scritta e orale per l'iscrizione al Rui. Sezioni A e B
I test dei concorsi per infermiere
Gli strani avvenimenti del feudo di Tengai
Cinquecento esercizi per l'equilibrio
Il benessere del cavallo. Curare il cavallo, l'allenamento, la salute. Ediz. illustrata
Casino Royale
La cura servile, la cura che serve
Per Ricordare I Kanji 1: Corso Mnemonico Per L?apprendimento Veloce Di Scrittura E Significato Dei Caratteri Giapponesi
Il cacciatore silenzioso
Non ho che te
Volevo fare l'architetto
Angelo di strada
Card college. Corso di cartomagia moderna: 2
I test dei concorsi per Unione Europea. Centinaia di quesiti risolti e commentati
Tecnologie per reti WAN. CCNA 4 Companion Guide. Con CD-ROM
Taccuino: Io posso e lo farò. Guardami : 19x23cm : 125g/m²
Il teatro d'opera in Italia. Geografia, caratteri, storia
Mi impegno in tutte le lingue del mondo. L'attivismo dei giovani immigrati come promotore di benessere e integrazione
La nuova costituzione economica
Il Regno delle Due Sicilie e le potenze europee. 1830-1861
L'autostima degli adolescenti
Prove INVALSI italiano. Con espansione online. Per la Scuola media: 1
Il Santo
I ribelli e l'astronave (Urania)
Matematica.azzurro. Con maths in english. Con espansione online. Per le Scuole superiori: 4
L'Italia insegna. Viaggio fra scritte, targhe e iscrizioni dello stivale
My Masters' Nightmare Stagione 1, Episodio 7 "Legàmi"
Civiltà d'arte. Per le Scuole superiori. Con e-book. Con espansione online: 4
Il Bunker
Guida alla Maremma medievale. Itinerari di archeologia nella provincia di Grosseto
Sogno e Son Desto, La Legge dell'Attrazione, i Tuoi Sogni e le Domande Giuste per Raggiungerli
Il commissario De Vincenzi. Il do tragico (Fogli volanti)
Sociologia. Con e-book. Con espansione online. Per i Licei e gli Ist. magistrali
50 referendari TAR. La sentenza
Alpha Edition Ladytimer 170825 Agenda per Anno 2017
La sincronicità
Civiltà d'arte. Con e-book. Con espansione online. Per le Scuole superiori: 5
Come diventare un Imprenditore della Rete
La storia della chitarra rock
Oltre la vetta. Vita e imprese di Gabriele Boccalatte e Ninì Pietrasanta
Asset management. La gestione strategica dei portafogli immobiliari
La scrittrice abita qui (Biblioteca)
Guida per diventare ricchi. Senza tagliare le carte di credito
Così nuda così violenta. Enciclopedia della musica nei mondi neri del cinema italiano
La legittimità nella società internazionale
Mnemosyne. L'atlante della memoria di Aby Warburg
Jenus di Nazareth: 15
Corso di sistemi. Per gli Ist. Tecnici industriali: 2
Il figlio della steppa: La stirpe di Gengis Khan (Bestseller Vol. 178)
Nisekoi. False love: 2
Star Wars. L'enciclopedia della galassia. Ediz. illustrata
Weekly horizontal planner XS. Dark pink cover
Prove di inglese su modello INVALSI. Per la Scuola media
Zibaldone Di Pensieri
Lo spirito del ghetto
Professione giornalista
Legge di attrazione per negati
Introduzione alla biblioteconomia
Memorie di un bucaniere. Il nuovo viaggio intorno al mondo
«A» come ignoranza: 6
Spazio Italia: Manuale + Eserciziario 1 (A1)
Vangelo e Atti degli Apostoli (I doni della Chiesa)
Il Tao e la Top100 di Amazon: I 36 Stratagemmi applicati al Marketing degli Ebook
The walking dead: 3
Crociata veneziana (Veneziano Series Vol. 4)
Inbound Marketing: Le nuove regole dell'era digitale
Le notti di Salem. Ediz. illustrata
Ballerina. Il libro con gli adesivi. Ediz. a colori
Genio Guastatori: Volume 5
Stare in gruppo
Prova a farmi volare. In flight series
L'estetica dalla A alla Z
Autotraduzione e riscrittura
Manuale di fotografia: DALLA BASE A FOTOGRAFIE D’IMPATTO (Manuali fotografici - le regole fondamentali Vol. 2)
ECDL più per Windows 7 eVista, Office 2010 e 2007 Volume Unico
Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania
Adventure time. Capperi fritti!: 3
Trovare su Internet
L'inglese. Con 4 CD Audio
Mani di luce
L'arte di vendere (Best Seller Pocket)
Il mio cuore trionferà
Sentaris (Nove Lune Nalee Vol. 10)
L'enigma del faraone. Agatha Mistery. Vol. 1
One piece: 2
Quando eravamo povera gente
Gas in Etiopia. I crimini rimossi dell'Italia coloniale
Io, atipica-mente Down. Vivere con corpo lento e mente veloce
Il riflesso della morte
Vivere da angeli. La vita secondo il fondatore dei City Angels
Il carico della formica
Con la mia valigia gialla
Fino a quando la mia stella brillerà
Language design: guida all'usabilità delle parole per professionisti della comunicazione
Alpha Test. Cattolica. Kit di preparazione. Manuale di logica- Esercizi commentati
Contro l'apocalisse: 1 (Odissea. Streghe)
Condividendo. Lacrime e sorrisi nell'endometriosi
La bellezza della liturgia
Warm bodies (Lain)
Haunt 1
Comunicare via E-Mail
La legge spagnola.: Sei rami della legge. Casi pratici risolti, molto indicativo e note. Erasmus.
Le grandi battaglie di Roma antica
Geostoria. Quaderno operativo di storia e geografia. Per la Scuola elementare: 4
Esperienze per il laboratorio di chimica. Con espansione online. Per le Scuole superiori
Le democrazie contemporanee
Dolci da forno
New York 30x30 2018
Annuario di diritto dell'energia 2017. Il regime dell'acqua e la regolazione dei servizi idrici
L'arte del realizzare il «sogno» dell'anima. Accendi pensieri nuovi e attrai una nuova realtà
Bellissime Ballerine: Libro Da Colorare Per Le Ragazze Di 7 Anni
La guerra civile americana. Le ragioni e i protagonisti del primo conflitto industriale
Jenus di Nazareth. Apocalypse Rome
Il mondo nuovo
Matching Scars Series

Development Status : Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 5/4S/4 iOS 6.0.1/6.0.2 Beta Version

iOS 6 on A5 devices has so far been unbreakable for developers. iPhone Dev-Team and Chronic Dev-Team haven’t released a jailbreak for iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S compatible with the latest iOS version from Apple, although these devices and new iOS release have made it to the market months ago.

There have been several sources that announced the release of an iPhone 5 jailbreak, but they proved to be scams. Some reports say that developers are half way through and a jailbreak for iOS 6 on A5 devices should be released this year. in partnership with Chip Group Developers and Ironclad Ltd is the latest to join the efforts to develop a functional jailbreak for iPhone 5, taking a stand against the past few months’ scams and fake claims. Our experts are iPhone users, buyers and app developers, and are just as interested in an iPhone 5/4S jailbreak as the millions of owners worldwide. They asked to keep their identity unknown, at least until the software is launched, but rest assured we’ve got brainy minds working on this project.

Compatible Devices
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPod Touch 5th generation
  • iPod Touch 4th generation
  • iPad Mini
  • iPad 4
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 2

Evasi0n  Untethered Jailbreak  on iOS 6.x: Evasion Download Links

Download Evasi0n 1.0 for Mac (OS X) computers
Download Evasi0n 1.0 for Windows (Vista, 7 and 8)
Download Evasi0n 1.0 for linux machines

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

How can I track the development status?
 Read the News and Announcements sections to stay current with iJailbreakiPhone5s’s progress with developing a jailbreak for iPhone 5/4S for iOS 6.0.2, 6.0.1 and 6.
Beta testing will be available very soon!

Is it Tethered or Untethered ?
Beta version will be available :Tethered Version  for iPhone 5 and untethered for iPhone 4S/4

How can i download and How much will it cost ?
The software will be available for public download 100 % Free!
Please Beware of fake websites and remember that reliable jailbreak solutions are always free . You can check the scam list here(Feel free to share more and help the community to avoid this scammers)

How can i Join Beta Testing?
Our developers team would like to start beta testing with  over 1000 iPhone users before the official release . Become a member and follow our website with Google Friend Connect (check the right sidebar to apply ). We will contact you !

At iJailbreakiPhone5s we strive to deliver accurate jailbreak tutorials for any iOS version, but like most of you we’d love to give you tutorials about jailbreaking iPhone 5.4s with fully functional software. We’ve received a lot of questions and requests that we start developing our own jailbreak for iPhone 5. The good news is that this was the website’s very purpose and we have a team of 5 developers currently working on a jailbreak for iOS 6.X on iPhone 5 and 4s/4.

 iJailbreakiPhone5s is now confirming there is a team working on the development of an iPhone 5 jailbreak and according to our developers an untethered software should be ready for public download as soon as the following weeks. We will keep you posted with the progress made and announce the release date in due time, via all media outlets.

Read the News and Featured sections to stay current with iJailbreakiPhone5s’s progress with developing a jailbreak for iPhone 5/4S for iOS 6.0.2, 6.0.1 and 6.

Jailbreak iPhone 5 Tutorials & Guides and Everything There Is to Know About iPhone’s Jailbreak

Being THE most popular smartphones in the market today, iPhones are not only just state-of-the-art pieces of technology, but also our closest confidants, our personal assistants and oftentimes our main communication and entertainment means. Many iPhone users have no idea what kind of entertainment potential their sleek smartphone holds, but that’s where jailbreaking steps in.

There’s a world of things your iPhone can do once it is jailbroken. New apps you’ve never dreamt of using before, new customization methods, not to mention getting full access to an iPhone’s powerful tech specs. These smartphones aren’t just for voice call and chatting, these are very sleek-looking powerful computers you carry around in your pockets. Wouldn’t it be a shame not to enjoy them to their full extent?

Although jailbreaking iPhones is a procedure that was developed soon after the first iPhone was released, many users are still not properly informed with regards to the perks this carries. Many fear jailbreaking their iPhone device is illegal. Many are concerned their iPhone will stop working once it has been jailbroken. Many others believe Apple will dismiss them for dedicated users and the whole hell will break loose just because their iPhone device is now jailbroken. These are simply misunderstandings and any of the individuals that had their iPhone jailbroken (or did that by themselves) will explain with enthusiasm what their new smartphone can do. is a website that was created for the sole purpose of giving you access to a world of limitless possibilities. Our tech experts will teach you how to jailbreak your iPhone by yourself, be it the latest generation (5) or previous models. You can access full tutorials that explain each step of the iPhone 5 jailbreaking procedures, there are experts answering to your questions and we even release up to date news reports regarding the latest iPhone 5 and iOS6 jailbreaking software release.

And there’s more to what aims to deliver. We want you to have a full and educational experience about what you can do with a jailbroken iPhone, the kind of apps you can run, while still keeping you in touch with everything Apple is doing and releasing. That includes news about the company and its products, as well as iOS 6 updates (and caveats), iPhone app reviews and all kinds of tutorials about customizing your device, installing new software, using certain tricky apps and so on. Plus, you also have a series of reviews that pertain to any iPhone on the market, including the latest models (5, 4S, 4, 3GS) as well as any accessory for your device, such as iPhone 5 battery cases, headphones and themed protection jackets. has a team of experts that have been writing, reviewing and jailbreaking iPhone device for as long as they can remember. The release of iOS6 and iPhone 5 has had some of the best hackers and jailbreakers stomped, but we aim to deliver the software that will give you full access to iPhone 5’s real perks.

Apple TV Jailbreak Apps that Make the Device More Functional

Apple TV 4 Jailbreak
When purchasing an Apple TV, everyone is expecting to get a functional and advanced device that will provide enhanced functionality and usability.

Well, customers are not wrong when buying such a product. However, it is important to know that such as all other Apple devices, Apple TV will come with a series of limitations that the famous computer manufacturer commonly has. In fact, compared with other similar devices, an Apple TV can seem a limited product.

On this device users can only access a limited number of channel apps and have a limited usage. Probably, this is the main reason why jailbreaking your Apple TV seems to be a valid option.

With a simple jailbreak anyone can get additional functionality to an Apple TV.

Jailbreaking is something that can be done easily. However, you should know that Apple is against it, so in case you have a warranty on your device, it will become void once you jailbreak.

When you jailbreak, the system on your Apple device will be modified with the purpose to allow apps to function on it, apps that otherwise would not be compatible with the system.

Apple TV jailbreak apps are actually boundless. This means that after jailbreaking you can access a series of apps and perfectly match your device to your needs. Apple TV jailbreak apps can be used for the following functions: ·

Customization: With apps that will become available for you through jailbreaking, you can add weather and slideshows to the main menu of your Apple TV. You can hide menus and adjust the screen saver settings, as well. Naturally, you can choose the apps that help your purpose of perfectly customizing your Apple TV.

Media: Jailbreaking will offer unlimited access to media such as Hulu, Amazon, Pandora, CBS, MTV, PBS and much more. To learn more and download video tutorials and step by step guides that will help you Jailbreak ATV 4 visit the official website at:

XBMC access: XBMC actually is the platform that all users can access to get all the apps they want. Beautiful themes for the device can be found here, as well.

With the right Apple TV jailbreak apps, you can change the way your Apple TV looks and functions. You can install what you want and use your device as you please!

Apple TV Jailbreak 1080p is still not Accessible to Customers

Apple TV Jailbreak 1080pFans of Apple TV were surely happy last year, when Apple TV 3 was released on the market. Well, even though this has been great news for customers willing to purchase the third generation Apple TV, many were disappointed that this device cannot be jailbroken, at least not yet.

 For months now, an Apple TV jailbreak 1080p has been awaited by customers willing to enjoy an enhanced usability of their device.

Moreover, Apple TV second generation, although it does not feature many of the updates of the third generation, is more popular today than Apple TV 3. Specialists say that the main reason why this occurs is due to the fact that there is a jailbreaking possibility for Apple TV 2.
Check out the latest news at

Consequently, people still decide to invest in the older version of Apple TV, only because they can make it more usable by jailbreaking it. The third generation Apple TV became available for purchase in March, 2013. Since that moment, a series of rumors on jailbreaking occurred.

Unfortunately for Apple clients who want to benefit of this possibility, none of the jailbreaking options released until today were stable and functional. It is claimed that the restrictions that Apple has on its devices will soon be beaten by a stable, untethered jailbreak version.

Until now, only tethered jailbreaks have been out. However, a new jailbreak version is said to be available soon, one that will be both safe and simple to use, as well as 100 percent functional.

Well, until the new Apple TV Jailbreak 1080p will be out and working perfectly, probably the popularity of Apple TV 2 will continue to grow, while the 3rd generation Apple TV will still remain almost unsuccessful.

 Still, there are many clients who opt for Apple TV 3 and wait for jailbreaking to become a possibility. Apple TV 3 comes with many improvements compared to the previous version, featuring a faster processor capable of powering 1080p video playback.

Well, regardless of your case, there is one thing you need to know when you jailbreak your device: do not install any new updates from Apple. Apple commonly releases updates that are trying to beat jailbreaking, making its apps unusable on the device.

When your jailbreaking apps no longer work because of Apple updates, you will have to repeat the whole process again, so it is better to avoid such a situation.

BlueStacks GamePop Brings iOS App Store Games to Your TV

Here’s one hack you don’t have to wait for the jailbreak. BlueStacks GamePop Android console is being rebuilt to be compatible with iOS so it will be able to bring iOS App Store games to your TV.

BlueStacks’ GamePop for iOS games is the kind of app that shows there’s a change going on in the world of digital content via multiple platforms. Being able to build an API that allows devs to run on Android, or iOS games to your TV, is the kind of novelty that today’s smartphone and tablet owners will surely appreciate. According to BlueStacks’ plans, the aim with their app for iOS is to become a sort of “Netflix for games” and the company is already being backed by popular iOS and Android developers, including Gameloft, Glu, Jawfish Games and Subatomic.

The secret to BlueStacks’ ambitious plan of bringing iOS games to your TV via a new console is a virtualization tool called Looking Glass. According to Rosen Sharma, the BlueStacks CEO, “Looking Glass works at the API level – it’s not quite virtualization or emulation as you’ve known it. We recreate the API that iOS provides, but we don’t use any Apple bits to do it”.

The platform BlueStack is planning to release is appealing for game developers too, because their solution isn’t forcing them to remake their games. “Literally all developers have to do is change their payments backend so it works with our subscription model and that’s it. They don’t have to do anything else to their games” Rosen Sharma added. Game devs agree the upcoming console is a good idea. Jamie Gotch, CEO of Subatomic, says “the ability to bring iOS games to TV is unprecedented” but “at the same time, this is a natural evolution” seeing as “mobile games are providing richer graphics and gameplay and heading towards the living room fast”.

BlueStacks’s GamePop console for iOS is currently available for free. Hurry up though the offer stands only until the end of June, if you sign to preorder the $6.99 monthly subscription. As of July, the GamePop console will sell for $129. Seeing as the offer includes free access to all games from devs backing the project to already announced Fieldrunners games, the GamePop console for iOS games on TV could easily become a popular choice for the avid gamer.