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How to change your default browser to safari

It might not be as popular as Mozilla or Google Chrome, but Apple's native browser Mobile Safari is fastly becoming a major player in the Internet game thanks to the significant sales of iPads and iPhones. However, despite the several iOS exclusive features, there are iPhone and iPad owners interested in changing MobileSafari as default browser with a more familiar or functional option. Take for instance, Skyfire, a next-generation, cloud-based video optimization and mobile browsing solution for iPhone, iPad and Android.

Regardless however of your reasons to change Mobile Safari, the following is a tutorial that helps you do exactly that. Before getting started, you need to jailbreak your device. If you haven't performed the jailbreak of your iPhone/iPad, just check out the designated category on our website. You will find jailbreak tutorials and solutions that are easy to follow.

Step 1
Tap the  Cydia app icon on your iPhone's/iPad's SpringBoard.

Step 2
The first window of Cydia will display several options and tabs. You need to select the "Sections" tab at the bottom of the first screen/window.

Step 3
In the "Sections" menu, go down the page and select "Tweaks". This will display a list of all tweaks available alphabetically. Find in the list, then select the "Browser Changer" tweak.

Step 4
Press "Install", then tap "Confirm" in the prompted status message at the top of the screen to have the "Browser Changer" tweak installed on your device.

Step 5
After Cydia has finished the installation process of the "Browser Changer" iOS tweak tap the large button that reads "Restart SpringBoard".

Step 6
When the SpringBoard restart is completed, select the Settings icon on your desktop. In the prompted menu, select the "Browser Changer" feature and simply select a new default browser of your choice. The iOs tweak features a long list of browsers such as Opera Mini, Skyfire, Vanilla Surf, Mercury Pro and so on.

If you're interested in changing Mobile Safari as your default to get rid of the bugs, you should consider upgrading your firmware to a newer version. Apple has improved its native browser with every iOS release, although in terms of functionality and popularity, Mobile Safari has a long way to go before actually competing with the likes of Google Chrome and Mozilla.

You can find a comprehensive list of all bug reports users have flagged for Apple's Mobile Safari on iPad and iPhone in the Software section of the


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