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Evad3rs’ PlanetBeing Explains Why Jailbreaking is Safer than Rooting

For most of the one-time and beginner jailbreakers it’s hard to feel safe employing hacks on their personal and beloved iDevice. Knowing which is which and understanding how a jailbreak works, seems quite difficult for the user who isn’t tech savvy. One of the aspects more important is a jailbreak’s safety. Evad3rs’ PlanetBeing explained in a AMA session on Reddit why jailbreaking is safer than rooting.

A few days ago, one of the developers of the evasi0n jailbreak sat down with Reddit users in an Ask Me Anything session. Topics ranged from the future of jailbreak to particular aspects of the procedure as well as bugs and safety issues. One user asked a question that many iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad users have dealt with when considering a jailbreak procedure.

“Why is jailbreaking safer than rooting? When I do research on rooting I see that it is possible to completely f*ck up your device to the point of needing a soldering iron” explains his dilemma one Reddit user. First of all there’s one thing to remember: “jailbreaking is super-safe”. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact, anyone who thinks they’ve bricked their device with a jailbreak can send it to me. I can fix it unless it’s a hardware or a baseband thing” answered David Wang.

So what makes jailbreaking safer than rooting? PlanetBeing explained you’ve got Apple to thank for that. “Apple did a great job having a safe bootchain that extends all the way back to ROM. The bootrom always works no matter the software state of the device” the evad3rs’ member said. The bootrom is also the place where jailbreak developers look for exploits and no matter the bad state of the phone, from here “you can almost always bootstrap the restore process... and completely recover it”.

Also take into account that you can always go back to a restore version after a jailbreak that won’t mess up your Apple warranty. “...after a restore, no one can tell your iOS device had ever been jailbroken unless it phoned back home to Apple while it was jailbroken or you tried to do something to the baseband in order to unlock it” added David Wang.


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