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Evad3rs Dev-Team Has a Jailbreak for iOS 6.1 Ready for Release

evad3rs dev team
Before losing your grip hearing the latest news about the jailbreak for iOS 6.1, just remember we’ve been tricked before. This time however it seems like it’s legit, as reputable hacker Pod2g confirms the Evad3rs Dev-Team does have a jailbreak for iOS 6.1 ready for release.
iOS 6 on A5 devices has surely been the ultimate challenge for a lot of jailbreak developers. They’ve been working on and off for the past few months, but it wasn’t until recently that developers announced making progress with actually finding exploits they could use to jailbreak iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S. In a recent interview with iDigitalTimes and Twitter posts, hackers Pod2g announced the jailbreak for iOS 6.0 and 6.1 are ready for release. 
Last Thursday, Pod2g released the name of a new team working on a jailbreak for iOS 6 on A5 devices. Working under the Evad3rs name are familiar names but as iDigitalTimes notes “some have yet to get their due recognition”. The name became popular after last week’s announcement that “6.0 is jailbroken, 6.1 beta 4 also. Now we are waiting 6.1 to confirm and release”.
Whereas Pod2g aka Cyril is one of the most popular names in the world of jailbreaking iDevices, this time around the credit goes to PlanetBeing. “He is completely the man on that particular jailbreak. It is his work, like it was mine on previous 2/3 ones” Pod2g told iDigitalTimes. For the current jailbreak project, Pod2g “gave ideas that pushed them to their maximum, I kind unblocked the situation, but it would certainly have happened without me helping”.
Before rushing to install the iOS 6 jailbreak remember there’s another firmware update planned for release these days. “Of course this is excellent news but contain your excitement for holes at this point can still be patched by Apple while we are awaiting the 6.1 release” also reads the iDigitalTimes report. 
The good news is that it seems hackers are already prepared to take on Apple’s next challenge, since Pod2g revealed they have “found other vulnerabilities” which will certainly be used for the next jailbreak.


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